Consider your options.
If you choose to buy over-the-counter products, we suggest you buy those approved by the ADA.
Tooth Brushes: An electric toothbrush gives the most efficient cleaning. A manual brush with soft, rounded bristles works great too.
Floss: There are many types of floss on the market. Waxed floss slides easily between tight teeth but some patients prefer dental tape. The right type of floss is the one that works best for YOU!
Tooth Paste: The “best” toothpaste is the one that fits your specific needs. Most toothpastes contain fluoride, which helps strengthen your tooth’s surface to fight against decay. It can also reduce your mouth’s production of bacteria that produce damaging acid. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) endorse use of fluoride as a safe and effective way to reduce tooth decay.
We recommend that children 2 and younger use non-fluoride toothpaste, as they tend to swallow it and frequent ingestion of fluoride can cause discoloration of tooth enamel.
Sometimes we recommend use of a “high fluoride” prescription toothpaste (typically 1.1% Sodium Fluoride or 5,000 PPM of available fluoride ion) to patients for a big boost to their resistance to tooth decay, to help reduce sensitivity, and to interfere with plaque’s ability to create acid.
Tartar control toothpastes can dissolve newly formed tartar that hasn’t yet bonded to your tooth. The downside is that it won’t remove tartar that has adhered already. It can also create tooth sensitivity and increase your likelihood of developing canker sores.
Whitening toothpastes reduce superficial tooth staining. We recommend using this to help maintain the light color of teeth after a true tooth whitening procedure.
Desensitizing toothpaste can reduce sensitivity associated with exposed nerve endings along root surfaces.
Download the toothpaste guide today!
Download the toothpaste guide!
Mouthguards (or Sportguards): Over-the-counter, inexpensive “Boil and Bite” products. They have a moderate fit and weak retention but provide inexpensive tooth protection. For better durability, more comfort, and an excellent fit, custom mouthguards are the best. Call us at (714) 544-2020 for an appointment.
Nightguards: For information, see our Nightguards page.