A crown is a synthetic cover placed over a tooth to restore function and appearance. You can choose porcelain (to match your natural teeth), gold, or silver.
- After a root canal or another restorative procedure
- Cover implants
- Protect a weak tooth or loose filling
- Restore a broken tooth
- Restore a badly shaped or discolored tooth
1st Visit: Preparation – The tooth is prepared to accommodate the crown’s size and an impression of the tooth is sent to the lab. Approximately the thickness of a nickel of your tooth is removed. A temporary crown is placed while your new tooth is fabricated at the lab.
2nd Visit: Application – The permanent crown is cemented in place.
Got a crown and not sure what to do now that you’re home? Read our Post-Op Instructions.
Root Canal
If you’re experiencing pain or sensitivity, it could be caused by an infection in the roots or inner chamber of your tooth. Getting a root canal treatment could save your problem tooth from extraction.
Causes of an Infected Tooth
- Deep cavity
- Repeated dental procedures
- Cracked or broken tooth
- Injury to the tooth
1st Visit – A small hole is drilled from the top of your tooth into the inner chamber. The infected tissue is removed, the chamber is cleansed, and the canals are filled with an inert substance, then you’re done! If the infection is significant, medication will be placed and you will need to come back for a follow-up appointment. The hole may be temporarily filled until a crown is placed.
2nd Visit – Depending on the state and location of the tooth, a crown may be your best option. See “Crowns” above.
Got a root canal and not sure what to do now that you’re home? Read our Post-Op Instructions.
The enamel on your teeth can become stained and dull. If you’re self-conscious about the color of your teeth, come in for a consultation to discuss your options.
At-Home Products
Whitening toothpastes and self-bleaching can make your teeth a few shades brighter. These are “one size fits all” systems but some of our patients have had great success with these products.
Professional Whitening
Our office can brighten your smile safely and more effectively than over-the-counter products. We make a customized tray that adapts directly to your tooth surface, which you can keep for future use to touch up any new staining that occurs over time.
The type of stain, level of discoloration, and presence of synthetic teeth and fillings limit all whitening procedures.
Got your teeth whitened and not sure what to do now that you’re home? Read our Post-Op Instructions.
Cosmetic Bonding
Bonding repairs tooth discoloration and can fill gaps between teeth. The process includes an enamel-like material being applied to your tooth’s surface, sculpted, hardened, and polished. It’s usually done in a single visit.
Had bonding done and not sure what to do now that you’re home? Read our Post-Op Instructions.
Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are tooth-colored laminates made of porcelain that cover the front side of teeth. Because it’s necessary to remove part of your tooth enamel, veneers are usually irreversible.
- Long life expectancy
- Resistant to staining and discoloration
1st Visit: Preparation – The tooth is buffed to make room for the veneer’s thickness (about ½ a millimeter), which might require local anesthetic. A mold is taken of the teeth and sent to the lab for veneer fabrication.
2nd Visit: Bonding – The veneers are adjusted to match the coloring of your teeth. Your teeth are then cleaned and cement is sandwiched between the veneer and your tooth.
3rd Visit: Follow-Up – We check that you are adjusting comfortably to your veneers.
Got veneers and not sure what to do now that you’re home? Read our Post-Op Instructions.
Cosmetic Contouring
This pain-free process involves lightly sanding areas of the tooth’s enamel to improve its look and health.
- Smooth small chips
- Adjust irregular tooth shape
- Reduce overly pointed cuspids